Source code for python_cheatsheet.d

# Thank-You
[docs]def datetime_examples(): """ docstring here """ from datetime import date from datetime import time from datetime import datetime import calendar today =; print(f"The Date today is {today}") print(f"The constituent parts of the date today are : Day {} | Month {today.month} | Year {today.year}") print("Lets convert this to strings") weekday = today.weekday() weekdayName = calendar.day_name[weekday] monthName = calendar.month_name[today.month] print(f"It's a {weekdayName} in {monthName}") now =; print(f"Ok to the millisecond its : {now}") print(f"If i were to only think interms of time : {now.time()}") #NB the timezone is 'None' see the timezone section for how to enable it. timeZone = now.tzname() print(f"Timezone is unset {timeZone}")
#Adding relative amounts of time / dates see timedelta. #
[docs]def dictionary_manipulation() : return None;